On-Line Auction
Signed copy of Stan Pocock's book

"Way Enough!"
Proceeds to go to the Port Townsend Education Foundation

Stan Pocock Signature


Highest bid to date: $325

To make a bid click here
Bids will be posted daily. Minimum bid, $250. The highest bid received by the start of the Wooden Boat Festival on September 8, 2017 wins the book. Bid high. It's tax deductible for a great book and a good cause.

Description of the book

New, signed by Stan Pocock on Oct. 23, 2014, the day he was admitted to the Husky Hall of Fame, an honor he valued even more than being named to the National Rowing Hall of Fame in 2012.

"Amazing book" Praise for "Way Enough" by a rower who has read the book many times.

The proceeds from the sale of this rare book signed by Stan Pocock will go to the Port Townsend Education Foundation, Place-based Maritime program. Stan liked that program and wanted to support it. The Port Townsend Education Foundation is a 501c(3) organization so your contribution is tax deductible.

Pocock Singles Project
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