This boat is for sale. See details
From: Chris Moore To: Steve March 25, 2011 Subject: single Hi, I am interested in selling a Pocock single. I am in White Salmon, WA near Hood River, OR. The boat is in great condition except for a scratch on the stern that occurred in transit. The foot stretchers are extremely small, so much so that I have never rowed it since I got it about 5 years ago. I called Pocock about it once and determined that it is from 1987 and that it is not a boat designed for a lightweight, which makes the small foot stretchers strange. It has two sets of wood oars, both in very good condition; one set is very short, which must be for the small foot stretchers. I think $5000 would be a fair price, I will be taking pictures soon and can send them along for your opinion, if you like. The serial number is GPRFCS18H787. What can you tell me about the boat based on the number? What is the suggested donation for placing an ad on your website? I measure it at 23' 10", not including the bow ball. I'll take some pictures today.
Thanks very much, On 4/1/2011 8:35 AM, STEVE CHAPIN wrote: I think the length measurement cracks the code: you have a flyweight cedar single. This shell is rated for a maximum rower's weight of 125 lbs. --Steve
From: Chris Moore Thanks Steve. I picked it up from my dad's estate; I am not sure what he was doing with it because he was definitely heavier than 125 lbs. I'm almost sure he never rowed it. The boat condition is much better than any wood boat I rowed in college at the UW in the 80's! Here are pictures of the boat.
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