| From: "Guy Harper" To: "Art Wright" , "Bill Woodman" , "Bob Witter" , "Roger Seeman" , "Al Rossi" , "FRED RANEY" , "Dave Pratt" , "Stan Pocock" , "Paul R Meyer" , "Bill Meyer" , "Lyman Hull" , "Dave Haworth" , "Paul Harvey" , "Carl Harris" , "Ron Haringa" , "Jerry Dodson" , "Walter d'Hondt" , "Jorge Calderon" , "Jim Buckley" , "Bruce Bradley" , "Craig Bleeker" , "John Aberle" Subject: ANCIENT MARINERS OYSTER FEED 2006Many thanks to the Pococks for hosting the second annual AMRC Oyster Breakfast, toÊthe Bleekers for the plentiful supply of oysters and to the Meyers for orchestrating this years event! As mentioned at the breakfast, it appears we have formed another new AMRC offspring group. We've had the RAMS and the CLAMS and maybe now the OYSTERS! Which could be derived from the breakfast theme or from the following: Oarsmen, Yawn, Stretch, Then Each Row Slowly! In any event, everyone had an great time and it is nice to see one another once again. Guy |